More Than Just Insurance: The J. Morey Company, Inc.

“Insurance is not always fun, but they make up for it with their attention, knowledge, and great price.” – Nina Z., Yelp

The J. Morey Company, Inc. is an independent, full service California insurance agency providing all lines of personal and commercial insurance, and financial services. John, Jack and James Morey started the family-owned business in Cerritos in 1980. Today, they have offices located throughout California, including in Little Tokyo, where the Morey family is deeply rooted.

“My grandfather immigrated from Wakayama Prefecture in Japan, entered through Vancouver where Canadian officials changed the spelling of Mori to M-o-r-e-y, and then traveled to Los Angeles. Of course, we heard the stories of how my grandfather worked his way down to Los Angeles and then opened up his business, the Asia Company, in 1907. The store was located on the northwest corner of First and San Pedro,” recalls Jack Morey, current Principal and President at The J. Morey Company, Inc.


Source: Discover Nikkei


The Asia Company was a dry goods general store owned in partnership with two other families. Jack’s father, George, worked in the store to help his Issei father, Bungaro. The business was lost when the Morey family was incarcerated at Granada or Camp Amache, Colorado, during World War II.

After the war, the Morey family started a rice distribution company in LA named “Morey & Company” and became the exclusive distributor for Calrose Rice. The company was located on Weller Street, the present day location of Weller Court, which used to be a thoroughfare for vehicles between First and Second streets.

Today, their Little Tokyo office is just one block down from the original “The Asia Company” location that existed over a century before. Led by third-generation, Joshua Morey, the leaders of The J. Morey Company, Inc. have been involved with the success of the Little Tokyo community and of the Japanese American National Museum (JANM) since its inception in 1992. Jack has served on JANM’s Board of Governors for over ten years, and Joshua chairs the New Leadership Advisory Council, working to attract the younger generations to be involved in the Japanese American community.

With glowing reviews describing their staff as “trustworthy and reliable” from loyal clients, The J. Morey Company, Inc.’s origins and dedication to their community are reflected in the authenticity of their staff.

Read More: “The Morey Family: A Self-Guided Walking Tour through Little Tokyo History” – Discover Nikkei


The J. Morey Company, Inc.

361 E 1st St, Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 687-7170

published on January 29, 2016